Wellness | Taking Care of You

Wellness | Taking Care of You

National Wellness Month is celebrated during the month of August. This wellness campaign focuses on self-care. Taking care of you means ensuring you focus on your physical and mental health, your happiness, and your goals. By creating healthy routines,...

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Helping Your Addicted Spouse

Helping Your Addicted Spouse

We want to be able to trust and feel safe with the people we love the most. Addiction can erode the trust in a marriage and cause conflicts, chaos, emotional distress, and even violence. If there are children in the relationship. there can be additional...

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School and Community Social Educational Opportunities

School and Community Social Educational Opportunities

Aspire Counseling Services provides school and community educational opportunities. We provide certified counseling experts to attend school and community events to discuss alcohol and substance abuse and mental health challenges. We are experienced in...

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What is Your WHY?

What is Your WHY?

Most people seek purpose in their lives. They seek something that will provide them with passion and drive. Without purpose it is easy to become depressed and feel despair, which can lead us to seek out unhealthy behaviors, including alcohol and drug abuse....

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Daddies in Recovery

Daddies in Recovery

Being a father comes with a few stereotypical expectations. Fathers are viewed as the protector and provider, the handyman, the sports fanatic, and the king of the backyard BBQ. There is an expectation that fathers must be strong and show no weaknesses. All...

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PTSD | Risk of Addiction

PTSD | Risk of Addiction

People experiencing Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) have an extremely high risk of developing an addiction to drugs and/or alcohol because of their tendency to self-medicate their symptoms. Many people do not even realize they are experiencing PTSD,...

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Counterfeit Drugs | Epidemic

Counterfeit Drugs | Epidemic

There is an epidemic currently sweeping our nation that is heavily impacting our youth, counterfeit drugs resulting in fentanyl overdoses. Unfortunately, it is a fact that many teenagers will experiment with drugs for a variety of reasons, including peer...

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Importance of Mental Health Awareness Month

Importance of Mental Health Awareness Month

Millions of Americans live with a mental illness, that is why May has been declared Mental Health Awareness Month. It is important to raise awareness about mental health by educating the public, fighting the stigma, and advocating for policies that support...

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Women’s Drinking | An Epidemic Inside a Pandemic

Women’s Drinking | An Epidemic Inside a Pandemic

Inside this global pandemic we are seeing an epidemic emerge, alcohol and drug abuse. The numbers of people turning to alcohol to escape the stress of the pandemic are alarming, even more so among women. According to a Rand Research Corporation study,...

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12 Steps of Recovery Program

12 Steps of Recovery Program

Most people have heard of the 12 Steps of Recovery that began with Alcoholics Anonymous and its founder Bill Wilson with his physician Dr. Bob Smith. The 12 Steps have been adapted by many other self-help and addiction recovery groups since it began in 1939,...

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Understanding Addictive Behavior

Understanding Addictive Behavior

In 2017, over 20 million Americans sought help for substance use disorder; since the pandemic, those addiction numbers have climbed. Understanding addictive behavior is an important step to recovering from addiction. Addiction is defined as a treatable,...

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Staying Connected | COVID-19

Staying Connected | COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have found it difficult to stay connected with their behavioral health services and substance abuse treatment programs. For those who struggle with substance abuse, it is more important than ever during this...

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Planting Seeds, Saving Lives

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