People who are beginning to come to terms with their addiction are also facing cultural stigmas related to addiction, such as laziness, lack of morals, no self-control, no willpower, etc. Mothers struggling with substance abuse and alcoholism have additional stigmas and judgement they face, such as bad mother, don’t love their children, and don’t put their children first. They will learn in recovery that these statements are false, but while they are in the cycle of addiction, they believe the untruths and feel intense shame.
Recovery alone is a daunting task, and when you add parenting during recovery it can be overwhelming. It is important for any recovery program to be sure to offer parents in recovery some life skills training. Recovering mothers in treatment with Aspire Counseling Services will learn that they are not bad people, or bad mothers, they simply made bad choices in their addiction. There are factors that can help mothers in recovery to develop confidence in themselves, their sobriety, and their motherhood. Some tools they need to develop include structure and routine, developing a strong support system, learning to deal with anger, and learning to take care of themselves.
The Strength of Structure
Consistency in routine and structure are important skills that must be developed for everyone in recovery. For mothers, these skills are even more crucial, as kids require structure and consistency. Mothers in Aspire Counseling Services’ addiction treatment programs will learn the tools that will help them develop structure and consistency in their own lives, and parenting skills that will help them in reestablishing relationships with their children. Addiction impacts social bonds, habits, and compulsions and creates chaos, and disorder in our lives. Structure helps people in recovery to develop healthy habits and promote healthy thoughts and actions. Productive routines help recovering addicts develop skills for long-term recovery and help children to gain confidence in relying on their recovering mothers.
Benefits of a Strong Support System
A sober support system keeps addicts motivated on their recovery process. Having people who are vested in their recovery and well being helps them when things are on shaky ground. The ability to talk through challenges and struggles with other mothers who have similar experiences helps addicts to avoid feelings of isolation and provides them with insight and assistance. For mothers in recovery there is the additional challenge of not only rebuilding their own self-esteem, but potentially reestablishing relationships with their children depending upon how much exposure they had to the impact of their mother’s addiction. The support of other mothers who have been through or are currently experiencing similar challenges will be crucial during the recovery process.
Controlling the Anger
Those struggling with substance use disorder and alcoholism may have difficulty in dealing with anger and resentment. A critical step in the recovery process is learning to deal with anger, bitterness, and resentment in healthy ways. Mothers in recovery at Aspire Counseling Services will develop the skills to process anger, develop assertiveness without aggressiveness, and how to pause and reflect before responding to situations, rather than reacting emotionally.
Importance of Self-Care
Mothers in recovery will have to focus on their own self-care before they can hope to control their addiction and repair their relationships with their children. Addicts in recovery must ensure they get adequate rest, eat healthy, take any medications as prescribed, regularly exercise, and develop or reestablish new hobbies and healthy interests. Activities such as meditation, yoga and exercise programs can help physically and mentally. Volunteering can help develop feelings of self-esteem and self-worth. These activities will help mothers in recovery to be able to provide their children with stability they need and crave.
Mothers struggling with alcohol and drug addiction that are reaching out for assistance will discover that they are not alone. There are many other mothers out there who are experiencing the same struggles or who have been through similar experiences. Aspire Counseling Services will provide you with the counseling services and group support system needed to ensure your recovery success. Call today!

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