Shattered Silence Podcast.
“Shattered Silence” is a podcast dedicated to giving a voice to the often-overlooked experiences of grief, addiction recovery, mental health struggles, PTSD, and catastrophic life events. Hosted by Jori Kinney, who has experienced her own life-changing events, the show offers a compassionate space where personal stories are shared, breaking the silence around these profound challenges. Through honest conversations, “Shattered Silence” aims to inspire healing, resilience, and a deeper understanding of the human condition.
What People are Saying
In 2020 we lost my brother in law to fentanyl overdose when he was 24 and last year I lost my dad to suicide and he was only 56. It’s been a rough few years to say the least especially when you have to stay strong through raising kids and having your own family. Thank you for creating a space where so many people can share their journeys and not feel so alone in grief.
Thank you for always being so open and vulnerable! It truly makes us all to not feel “alone!” Loved this episode and I can’t wait to keep listening!!
You did great. I know I am speaking for many others when I say Thank You for using your platform to help spread awareness for not only addiction and mental health but the serious dangers and consequences of fentanyl.
Just finished listening. You brought me to tears. Our loved ones are so much more than their addictions. Thank you for being so beautifully honest. Today is 2 years since my brother made 1 bad decision and it ended with his life as well. I am hugging you from afar. Thank you again @jorikinney
Suicide Prevention
National Suicide Hotline | Call/Text 988
Substance Abuse Disorder/Behaviroal Health
Aspire Counseling Services | 888-585-7373
Psychiatric Welness Center
Greif Support
Healing Hearts Greif Support for Parents Whose Adult Children Have Died. Faciliated by Patti Reis at Hoffman Hospice
Postpartum Support
Grief Support/Counseling
Craig Harrison
Veteran Support
Self Help Support Substance Abuse
Kern County Narcotics Anonymous | Meeting directory
Kern County Alcoholics Anonymous | Meeting directory
Kern County Al-Anon | Meeting directory
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is Eligible For IOP?
The Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is designed for people who are struggling with problems associated with addictions, substance use, or the co-occurring disorders associated with substance use. Eligibility for the IOP is determined by a mandatory clinical/medical assessment, which is conducted at the center as part of the admissions process.
How Long Are Your Treatment Programs?
What Is The Difference Between Inpatient (Residential) Level of Care and Intensive Outpatient?
While in inpatient (residential) treatment, you live in a home or facility with shared living spaces. All residential centers are unique, with their own set of rules and regulations. People are often unable to work or go to school. While at the IOP level of care, you can continue your day-to-day activities while living in your home or a sober living facility. This gives you the ability to retain control of your life with the support of Aspire staff and peers in your community.
What is Different About Aspire Behavioral Health treatment?
We see the whole person. Our treatment incorporates several interconnected techniques including Mindfulness, Yoga/art, Holistic Wellness, Group and individual one-on-one sessions.
Is My Life Going To Be Completely Disrupted While I am In Treatment?
Not at all. The intention and design of the program is to help you maintain much of your current routine.
What Do We Do In IOP?
The IOP model of treatment includes your primary source of services, group therapy as well as individual counseling bi-weekly with a certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor. In our inclusive and comprehensive program you will be provided with a safe environment to address the following needs at Aspire IOP: Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome Or PAWS, Relapse Prevention Skills, How to Manage Urges and Cravings, Understanding the Brain Chemistry of Addiction, Progression of the Disease of Addiction, Introduction To the Twelve Steps, Spirituality, Stages of Change, Focus On Co-Occurring Disorders and the Effects On Addiction and Recovery, and Family Education (this list is not comprehensive, our program is tailored to fit your needs). For needs that require additional services, we contract with primary care physicians and mental health professionals in the community.
Aspire’s Digital Brochures
Download the latest Adult IOP Brochure!
Download the latest Adult PHP Brochure!
Download the latest Behavioral Health Brochure!
Download the latest Adolescent IOP Brochure!
Self-Help Support Groups & Resources
Kern County
Kern County Narcotics Anonymous meeting directory
Kern County Alcoholics Anonymous meeting directory
Kern County Al-Anon meeting directory
Additional Resources
Also, please add this as well. MARA (Medication-Assisted Recovery Anonymous)

Planting Seeds, Saving Lives
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