Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Who is eligible for IOP?

The Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is designed for people who are struggling with problems associated with addictions, substance use and abuse, or the co-occurring disorders associated with substance use. Eligibility for the IOP is determined by a mandatory clinical/medical assessment, which is conducted at the center as part of the admissions process.

What do we do in IOP?

The IOP model of treatment includes your primary source of services, group therapy as well as individual counseling bi-weekly with a certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor. In our inclusive and comprehensive program you will be provided with a safe environment to address the following needs at Aspire IOP: Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome Or PAWS, Relapse Prevention Skills, How to Manage Urges and Cravings, Understanding the Brain Chemistry of Addiction, Progression of the Disease of Addiction, Introduction To the Twelve Steps, Spirituality, Stages of Change, Focus On Co-Occurring Disorders and the Effects On Addiction and Recovery, and Family Education (this list is not comprehensive, our program is tailored to fit your needs). For needs that require additional services, we contract with primary care physicians and mental health professionals in the community.

Is this a 12 Step Program or a religion-based facility?

Aspire Counseling Services® is non-denominational and inclusive. This means we are not a religious organization. We do not preach any specific set philosophical teachings, although we believe your religion and spirituality can be important components of your recovery. We believe in hope, hard work, community support, and the potential of the human spirit to overcome the problems stemming from substance use. This means that while we do incorporate various 12 step philosophies as a requirement for treatment, you will also be introduced to various other methods to assist with your recovery. This includes evidence-based practices that often encompass spirituality as part of your treatment plan. Our staff is diverse, coming from many backgrounds, with the common focus on successful treatment and supported recovery.

How long will I be required to attend treatment at Aspire Counseling Services®?

Average length of stay is 12 – 15 weeks. The length of your treatment here at Aspire depends on you, the individual. You will have different needs from your peers, so it is difficult to judge your exact stay. We do have some minimum requirements for graduation that will be discussed at Intake. Once you complete these requirements which include 90+ days of sobriety, step work, relapse prevention, and improved social interactions you are eligible for graduation. This includes a ceremony and Alumni status. With alumni status, you are encouraged to attend our Wednesday night Alumni group as well as any of our IOP groups you have previously attended.

What Is The Difference Between Inpatient (Residential) Level of Care and Intensive Outpatient?
While in Inpatient (residential) treatment, you live in a home or facility in shared living spaces. All residential centers are unique with its own set of rules and regulation, often unable to work or go to school. While in IOP level of care, you can continue your day to day activities while living in your home or Sober Living. This gives you the ability to retain control of your life with the support of Aspire staff and peers in your community.
What about my family? Do you have services for them or can they come with me?

Research shows that those individuals whose families are highly active and involved in their treatment have improved outcomes. Aspire encourages you to include your family in your treatment, which is why we have designed a portion of your program to focus on your relationships and how to increase positive interactions where possible. It is important to note that while we say “family”, we believe this includes whatever form of social support you have.

So what do I now? Can I come in for an assessment?

Of course! To start the process, you can either walk in or call any of our facilities to schedule a brief intake to determine the level of care needed. The time between first contact and intake is often less than 24 hours, unless your schedule does not allow. When you call in you will speak with any one of our qualified, well trained, and caring staff that help calm your worries and explain in detail the process and set you up with an intake appointment. There is no fee for this associated with this appointment. During this time, we determine your level of care. If it is deemed that you are not appropriate for this level of care, we will do our best to provide you with referrals for treatment that meet your needs, you are not alone! During this intake process you will be required to bring in your identification card, insurance information, master medication list, and the names and numbers of all medical and mental health providers. Shortly after you attend group, you will meet with your assigned counselor to complete an assessment which includes interviews, medical history, psycho-social evaluations, and a urine analysis. The more information we can gather, we are better able to meet ALL of your needs.

Behavioral Health

Who can receive Behavioral Health treatment?

We treat adults and adolescents [ages 14-17] for behavioral health services.

How long is the treatment program?

The program length varies by participant and depends on several factors including insurance coverage stipulations.

Does everyone receive the same treatment?

Each person receives a customized treatment plan developed for their specific situation.

Is my life going to be completely disrupted while I am in treatment?

Not at all. The intention and design of the program is that you maintain much of your current routine. Therapy is usually 3 hrs a day, 3 days a week.

What do we do for 3 hours?

While everyone has an individual treatment plan, you can view the Calendar schedules on each Location page.

What is different about Aspire Behavioral Health treatment?

We see the whole person. Our treatment incorporates several interconnected techniques including Mindfulness, Yoga/art, Holistic Wellness, Group and individual one-on-one sessions.

Are the therapists experienced?

Absolutely. Our therapists are all highly trained, licensed, and bring years of successful therapy to the relationship.

The big question… does Aspire therapy work?

Yes. It really does. Aspire has proven results. The goal is to stabilize the immediate needs and provide long term, life enhancing results.

Planting Seeds, Saving Lives

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